«Focus on ME» [Norwegian name: «Fokus på ME»] is a small, charity NGO that was founded in Stryn in the autumn of 2018, and it is registered in the National Norwegian Official Registry of Organisations and Entities [Norwegian name: Brønnøysundregisteret].
The purpose of 'Focus on ME' is to collect funds for biomedical research on ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis) in Norway, first and foremost at the Department for Cancer treatment and Medicinal Physics at Haukeland University Hospital [Norwegian name: Haukeland Universitetssjukehus, Avdeling Kreftbehandling og medisinsk fysikk]. The research team there is lead by Olav Mella and Øystein Fluge. Another goal for 'Focus on ME' is to spread information about and raise awareness regarding ME.
ME is one of the most disabling diseases that we know of. In spite of this, government funding in to research on this disease is severely limited. The reason that 'Focus on ME' was founded was to raise funds and in other ways contribute to this research.
In order to help those suffering from ME and their families, and improve their everyday lives, more research and spreading of knowledge about the disease, is needed.
Health Service Bergen [Norwegian name: Helse-Bergen] is located in our region and are conducting a research that has gained international attention. Through their clinical studies they have built up a solid biobank of sample material. The research group at Haukeland have said that they want to continue with their research to understand the underlying mechanism behind this disease and try to find a biological indicator, hoping that this will make it possible to find a cure.
This organisation is something that Agnete have been working on and thinking about for several years. In order to bring it into being, she has depended on a lot of support from a group of individuals that has, amongst other things, helped her with establishing a Website, making phone calls and more. Agnete was an active female athlete and cross-country skier. Her case history had been long and fluctuating before she finally was diagnosed with ME in 2011. At that point, she had developed a severe form of ME; and did not know anything about the disease. In the years since she was diagnosed, she has fought hard for the cause of combating ME.
The funds raised are transferred every quarter, in the first half of January, April, July and October. Information about the total sum of money transferred is being published on the organisation's Website. If the occasion to support other research projects arises, the organisation's Website will contain information about this as well, prior to the next money transfer.
We're hoping that everyone with the opportunity to do so will support this research project on ME. On our Website's front page there's a PayPal donor button. We thank all future donors in advance.
Website: www.fokuspame.no
We thank Anders Hamre Sveen for translating this text into English.